“The Chosen” is the first multi-season, crowd-funded show about the life of Christ. This pilot episode revolves around a young shepherd, who encounters Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. Every person involved in the core team creating this series is a believer in Christ and is committed to biblical and historical accuracy. We also have a team of Bible-believing historical experts consulting on the project.
MPAA: Not Rated
Director: Dallas Jenkins
As a young shepherd enters Bethlehem, a religious teacher reads from the scroll of Micah about the coming of the Messiah.
When the young shepherd asks the religious teacher about the Messiah, he is ridiculed for his questions and quality of his sacrificial lamb.
Themes: Sacrifice, Perfection, Scripture, Messiah, Learning, Teaching, Righteousness, Sanctimonious, Hypocrisy
The young shepherd encounters a beleaguered Joseph and Mary and gives them water and directions.
Themes: Pregnancy, Kindness, Scripture, Messiah, Savior, Christmas
Local shepherds witness the miracle birth of Jesus.
Themes: Christmas, Miracle, Savior, Birth, Celebration, Worship, Giving, Gifts, Prophecy
Upon witnessing the birth of Jesus, the shepherds run through the streets proclaiming that the savior is born and his name is Jesus.
Themes: Christmas, Miracle, Savior, Birth, Gifts, Giving, Celebration, Sentiment, Prophecy
Rabbi Sobel talks about the significance of God choosing shepherds to be the witnesses to the birth of Jesus.
Themes: Christmas, Miracle, Savior, Birth, Sacrifice, Worship, Celebration, Prophecy
A curious and faithful young shepherd encounters Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus.
Themes: Christmas, Miracle, Savior, Birth, Sacrifice, Celebration, Prophecy, Worship
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