Upon discovering a plane wreck, three friends find a duffle-bag full of $100 bills and contemplate what to do with it.
Themes: Greed, Money, Treasure, Ethics, Morality, Choices, Stealing, Consequences, Temptation
Jim Malone tells Elliot Ness exactly what it will take to get the notorious gangster Al Capone.
Themes: Counting the Cost, Evil, Battle, Fighting, Resolve, Steadfast, Oath, Warning, Law Enforcement
Andie creates a “photoshopped” photo album for her new boyfriend of what their future kids may look like.
Themes: Awkward, Family, Relationships, Dating, Love-Romantic, Pressure, Insensitive, Sensitivity
When Timo falls short of completing his physical tasks to rejoin the team, his fellow players offer to do push-ups and run sprints for him.
Themes: Teamwork, Camaraderie, Brotherhood, Unity, Solidarity, Love-Brotherly, Momentum, Coaching, Helping
When Coach Carter learns that players on his team have not kept their grades up as per their contract, he locks the gym shut until they focus on learning.
Themes: Commitment, Education, Teaching, Learning, Teamwork, Rules, Dedication, Giving Up, Resolve
Coach Carter ensures his players that the basketball lockout (due to the poor grades of his players) is an effort to help them rise above their community’s poor standards.
Themes: Coaching, Mentor, Reality, Encouragement, Support, Education, Ambition
When Coach Carter’s lockout threatens the team’s undefeated season, the school board and the community gather to discuss the issue.
Themes: Resolve, Conviction, Education, Learning, Priorities, Rules, Laws, Discipline, Change
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