John Quincy Adams argues before the court that it is neither natural nor ethical for men to remain in slavery – that the natural state of man is freedom.
Themes: Slavery, Freedom, Sanctity of Life, Liberty, Humanity, Equality, Racism, Civil Liberty, Persuasion
Put to the task of defending African slaves who lead a mutiny on board a slave ship, Tappan suggests that winning the case is not as important as giving the men their dignity.
Themes: Abolition, Righteousness, Freedom, Humanity, Slavery, Sanctity of Life, Christ-like, Virtue, Attorney
After hearing Ryan’s speech on the burden of relationships, Natalie challenges his bleak perspective on marriage.
Themes: Marriage, Relationships, Life, Burden, Priorities, Perspective, Philosophy, Emptiness, Love
After a tremendous victory against the English, Scottish nobles would rather bicker over titles instead of preserving their freedom.
Themes: Honor, Politics, Bickering, Leadership, Destiny, Freedom, Duty, Servanthood, Responsibility
As an argument escalates, Neal insults and humiliates Del, just for being who he is.
Themes: Humiliation, Insult, Bickering, Insensitive, Argument, Candor, Judging, Power of Words, Cruelty
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