A radio journalist tries to get an interview with Mother Theresa, but she redirects his efforts to poor and needy.
Themes: Humility, Poverty, Charity, Recognition, Influence, Humanity, Caring, Suffering, Humanitarianism
After Mother Teresa helps the starving outside of her class, she is confronted by her superior.
Themes: Christ-like, Charity, Compassion, Humanitarianism, Love-God's, Calling, Poverty, Humanity, Caring
Don encourages a young man whose leg was crushed in a skiing accident.
Themes: Support, Encouragement, Love-Brotherly, Community, Pain, Suffering, Tragedy, Caring, Helping
Good friend David arrives at his bedside to encourage Don and remind him that the entire community is praying for him.
Themes: Prayer, Friendship, Love-Brotherly, Faith, Community, Caring, Helping, Pain, Suffering
While newly born Wilbur is determined to be the runt, Fern must save him from being killed.
Themes: Sanctity of Life, Savior, Life, Caring, Mercy, Ethics, Fairness, Rescue, Compassion
Sam tries to get a young Sudanese boy, who has remained silent, to open up and speak with him.
Themes: Mission, Calling, Significance, Compassion, Caring, Sensitivity, Isolation, Helping
After learning that young children are sleeping out in the streets because of the threats of violence in their own homes, Sam ushers them inside for refuge.
Themes: Safety, Rescue, Activism, Helping, Savior, Caring, Refuge, Danger, Love-Brotherly
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