Mr. Rogers fails to set up a tent on camera but decides to use the footage to illustrate that adults struggle too.
Themes: Honesty, Struggle, Failure, Lessons, Teaching, Learning, Transparency, Reality, Acting
Under the threat of cutting off her hand, Ramses repeatedly asks Miriam if she is in fact Moses’ sister.
Themes: Power, Threat, Confrontation, Truth, Exposed, Honesty
After ruining a colleague’s career using his mind-reading gift, Nick comes clean and attempts to reconcile the damage he caused.
Themes: Honesty, Confession, Vulnerability, Humility, Mistake, Relationships, Conviction, Integrity, Culpable
When Wilbur discovers his eventual fate as Christmas meal, Charlottes promises to find a way to save him.
Themes: Promise, Honesty, Candor, Insensitive, Death, Life, Loyalty, Friendship, Forewarning
In the aftermath of the “Burn Book” fiasco, Ms. Norbury addresses the school’s girls about the affects of their gossiping.
Themes: Gossip, Insult, Rumors, Consequences, Accountability, Lying, Insensitive, Bullying, Confrontation
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