The film follows the rise to power of Daniel Plainview – a charismatic and ruthless oil prospector, driven to succeed by his intense hatred of others and desperate need to see any and all competitors fail. Using his young adopted son H.W. to project the image of a caring family man, Plainview gains the cooperation of local communities with lofty promises to build schools and cultivate the land to make their community flourish. Over time, Plainview’s gradual accumulation of wealth and power causes his true self to surface, and he begins to slowly alienate himself from everyone in his life.
MPAA: Rated R for some violence
Principal Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Daniel Plainview addresses the community of a prospective town, in which he plans to drill for oil.
Themes: Greed, Business, Ethics, Manipulation, Community, Exploitation, Capitalism
Bandy tells Daniel that the only way he will allow drilling on his land is if Daniel comes to church and confesses his sins.
Themes: Sin, Forgiveness, Evangelism, Salvation, Church, Stubborn, Coercion, Baptism
Daniel reluctantly accepts Eli’s invitation to confess his sins in front of the congregation and get baptized.
Themes: Church, Salvation, Confession, Sin, Backslide, Coercion, Religion, Ministry, Repentance