Hashimoto tells Pepper about the legend of a small samurai warrior who fought and defeated a much larger and more powerful enemy.
Themes: Small, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Power, Perspective, Belief, Warrior, Fighting, Battle
This title sequence shows a family torn apart by the death of a father in war.
Themes: War, Death, Family, Loss, Military, Honor, Armed Forces, Sacrifice, Courage
On the first day of high school, Wade and Ryan witness a kid getting bullied and Wade chooses to intervene. *Warning* - this clip contains some language
Themes: Bullying, Teasing, Fear, Confrontation, Intimidation, Courage, Bravery, Risk, Mocking
After defeating another legendary gladiator, Maximus refuses to honor the crowd’s wish and the Emperor’s command to kill his foe.
Themes: Fighting, Spectacle, Bloodlust, Mercy, Death, Forgiveness, Defiance, Savior, Challenging Authority
After being condemned to death for his treason, Wallace welcomes suffering and dying for freedom rather than begging for the mercy of the king.
Themes: Suffering, Courage, Bravery, Conviction, Integrity, Death, Dignity, Counting the Cost, Steadfast
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