A radio journalist tries to get an interview with Mother Theresa, but she redirects his efforts to poor and needy.
Themes: Humility, Poverty, Charity, Recognition, Influence, Humanity, Caring, Suffering, Humanitarianism
After ruining a colleague’s career using his mind-reading gift, Nick comes clean and attempts to reconcile the damage he caused.
Themes: Honesty, Confession, Vulnerability, Humility, Mistake, Relationships, Conviction, Integrity, Culpable
After winning “Prom Queen,” Cady addresses her school about how meaningless the crown is and how they all deserve a piece of it.
Themes: Speech, Winning, Popularity, Apology, Confession, Priorities, Vanity, Meaningless, Sharing
Cady realizes that no matter what she thinks about how ugly her competitor is, it won't help her solve the winning math problem.
Themes: Education, Learning, Knowledge, Insult, Judging, Self-Realization, Bullying, Problems, Perspective
Burt is challenged by a local biker gang. However, despite the speed of Bert's Indian mortorcylce, he is not equipped to finish the race.
Themes: Defeat, Competition, Foolishness, Unprepared, Humility, Challenges, Trials, Winning, Strategy
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