Out of his own infidelity and indiscretion, David King experiences hurt and loss as well as hope and new life.
Themes: Temptation, Lust, Mistake, Coveting, Sex, Abortion, Humanity, Dual Nature, Love
When Doyle Gibson misses his custody hearing on account of getting in a car accident, the judge awards full custody to the mother.
Themes: Fatherhood, Time, Effort, Divorce, Mistake, Family, Priorities, Problems, Insensitive
In the finals of the chess championship, Josh must exploit his opponent’s mistake and find the path to victory.
Themes: Sportsmanship, Winning, Greatness, Focus, Excellence, Concentration, Talents, Competition, Opponent
After ruining a colleague’s career using his mind-reading gift, Nick comes clean and attempts to reconcile the damage he caused.
Themes: Honesty, Confession, Vulnerability, Humility, Mistake, Relationships, Conviction, Integrity, Culpable
As Tommy and Richard first hit the road on a sales trip; their sales strategy is an utter failure.
Themes: Sales, Business, Strategy, Failure, Success, Safety, Demonstration, Foolishness, Mistake
After heeding the advice of his manipulative father and betraying Wallace, Robert the Bruce vows to never again choose the wrong side.
Themes: Politics, Diplomacy, Manipulation, Greed, Power, Priorities, Leadership, Idealism, Betrayal
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